We who drive the road

Agder OPS Vegselskap AS signed a contract with the Directorate of Public Roads on June 23, 2006, and is responsible for the road until 2034. The current owner (100%) is BBGI Management HoldCo Sárl. Their website can be found at www.bb-gi.com

Agder OPS Vegselskap receives an annually agreed remuneration from the Directorate of Public Roads during the operating period.
The operating period runs for 25 years until 2034.

Veidekke Industri Operation and maintenance

Veidekke Industri Drift og vedlikehold operates and maintains roads throughout Norway, and mainly has operating contracts with the Norwegian Public Roads Administration as a direct customer. In addition, Veidekke Industri is engaged as an operating contractor in two PPP (public-private partnership) contracts as well as an engagement for Avinor at OSL Gardermoen. We and our collaborating subcontractors work to make transportation a good experience for you. The main tasks are to move traffic safely and efficiently as well as to take care of the transportation routes and ensure the desired service life.

Veidekke is the country's second-largest operations and maintenance contractor, and is part of the Veidekke Group, which has a combined turnover of more than NOK 35 billion. Veidekke operates in Norway, Sweden and Denmark, but operations and maintenance is only a business area in Norway.

In PPP contracts, agreements are entered into for a longer period than traditional operating contracts of five years.

Typical tasks in a PPP contract:

  • Winter operations (salting, plowing and gritting of footpaths and cycle paths). We assess weather situations to ensure the best possible measures with the greatest effect at the right time
  • Setting plow blades
  • Mowing grass
  • Clearing rubbish
  • Washing signs
  • Washing tunnels and bridges
  • Securing areas in the event of traffic accidents and repairing any damage to objects as a result of the accident (e.g. railings, signs, etc.)
  • Sweeping and keeping the road surface clean of rubbish and gravel
  • Keeping it clean and tidy around the rest areas


Otera Infra

Otera plans, builds and operates electrical infrastructure for public and private transportation. We deliver complete electrical systems for roads, tunnels and railways.

Smarter roads are safer roads. With high-tech solutions, we make roads, railways and new and old tunnels safer.

We design, install and maintain all types of lighting systems. And we provide cameras, fiber communication to surveillance centers, climate stations, gas detection and much more.

Modern tunnels are packed with high technology. We install the equipment that makes tunnels safer.

We design, install and operate electrical installations such as lighting, telephony, emergency telephony, automation, variable signage, UPS systems, radio, emergency radio, emergency lighting and ventilation.

Road lighting
Well-lit roadways increase traffic safety. We provide road lighting all over the country.

We erect the poles and pull the power cables needed to light up municipal, county and state roads.


Agder OPS Vegselskap

Agder OPS is directly responsible for ensuring that the project meets the requirements of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration at all times. We also have direct responsibility for everything that is defined as heavy maintenance.

All tasks that are related to:

  • asphalting
  • road marking
  • securing rock cuts
  • repairs of possible damage to bridges, tunnels and the like

are commissioned by local suppliers and carried out on behalf of the PPP company.