Updated: April 22, 2020
New asphalt between Grimstad and Kristiansand
Finally, new asphalt will be laid over the deep grooves in the road surface on the E18 Grimstad-Kristiansand.
After loud protests against the deep track wear, work to repave the PPP section of the E18 between Grimstad and Kristiansand is now underway. NCC has been awarded the contract.
- "This is a relatively large asphalt job where many people are involved. Both our own asphalt workers from NCC Industry and subcontractors for milling and transportation. There is therefore a lot of hustle and bustle when we start in the evening," explains NCC.
The road is closed to traffic at 20:00 and the asphalt work continues through the night until the road opens at 06:00.
Night work does not hinder traffic as much and creates safer working conditions for the asphalt operators out on the road. At most, 20-25 people are involved in the work. The asphalt mass comes from NCC's asphalt factory at Rugsland.
NCC uses a durable asphalt - Viacogrip 16 - which will provide good road surfaces for many years to come.